Showing posts with label quilts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quilts. Show all posts

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Welcome to the Jungle

Quilt No. 51
September 2006

Who wouldn’t want to be soaking up the beauty in this lush jungle?

Quilting Notes

This quilt was inspired by a piece of vibrant fabric that I bought at Fabricland. The lower portion with the animals is a single piece of fabric. Most of the animals that were duplicated as the fabric “repeat” occurs were concealed by fusing pieces of leaves or additional white birds over them. The leaves in the foreground were fussy cut and then appliquéd individually or in small clusters, a long and tedious process. Both the parrot and the leaves came from a complementary piece of fabric purchased with the animal fabric. I dyed the waterfall with fabric paint, using a fairly dry bristle paint brush to make the streaks in the water. Opaque Setacolor Shimmer Pearl dye added the sparkle. A very fine sheer fabric was bunched up for the mist at the foot of the waterfall. The background behind the parrot and the snow-capped mountains were also hand-dyed

What Do You Suppose Is Out There?

Quilt No. 50
July 2006

Who has not contemplated this subject from time to time? Perhaps even penguins have existential thoughts...

Quilting Notes

The background, made from strips of several different black-and-gold fabrics, was originally intended to be used for the quilt Souls, but was far too cluttered for the simplistic look that I wanted. The penguin buttons, given to me by my friend Ruth, who knows of my fondness for penguins, were made by an artist friend of hers.