Quilt No. 60
June 2008
June 2008
I noticed a crow was spending a lot of time in our back yard. Oddly, he didn’t fly away when I went out on the patio. He seemed to be injured, and began to spend his time sitting on the edge of the wishing well, gazing off into the distance. He could no longer fly and seemed resigned to his fate. I took a photo of the crow, knowing I would one day use it to create a quilt entitled Waiting for Death. His life seemed to parallel events in my family as my elderly mother declined and approached the final challenges of her life. The title seems bleak, but the crow is surrounded by tremendous beauty as he prepares to pass from this world to the next.
Quilting Notes
Black polyester-cotton was used for the appliqué of the silhouettes. One hundred percent cotton, particular black cotton, tends to be thick and coarse, and shreds along the raw edges, making it more difficult to use for appliqué. The cotton with polyester is smoother and thinner and gives finer edges that are more easily turned under. The background was dyed the Setacolor fabric dyes painted over tissue paper strips. A minimal amount of hand quilting has been added.
The dark image against the beautiful and haunting background--what a sight!