This quilt ended up with exactly zero of the pieces it started out with. It redefined the term “fall”, as pieces fell from favour and were eliminated from the quilt.
I once had a snowman panel printed with pictures. No two pictures were the same size. I cut the various snowman pictures out, trying numerous unsatisfactory configurations until my crowning achievement was a Ziploc bag of frayed snowmen parts. The arranging and rearranging of these shards played out over many sessions and lasted for years. At the end of it I had a single postcard quilt and a bag of bits that continues to make me groan with despair every time I come across it.
Fabric panels can have a further frustrating challenge. They’re are often printed with barely half an inch between the individual pictures. It’s also common to have a different colour border printed around each picture. Being fabric, a certain degree of wonkiness invariably creeps in during the printing process. The squares are never quite square enough to cut out without a bit of compulsory weeping. That elusive one quarter inch that is needed to cut out and sew the pictures onto the mandatory sashing strips can be impossible to find.
None of the picture fabric from the Harvest panel ended up in the quilt, despite my best efforts with sashing. The pieces were ultimately torn out and sacrificed in a desperate attempt to throw a life line to the central owl/tree block. That block came from a pattern in the Piecemaker’s Quilt Calendar from 1997, proving yet again my father’s sage advice that if you keep something for twenty years, you will use it. However, I would have to say that did not always ring true. The giant stone millwheel he brought home from the dump exceeded the twenty-year-use-clause, but was ultimately just too big to cart back to the dump. At least it made a good conversation piece, propped against the house. For the first five years.
To finish the owl quilt, I used another panel, the Autumn Dream Big Leaf Panel from Hoffman.
The owl reappeared and settled into his tree and sighed, glad to be done with it all.
This piece was rescued from the original Harvest quilt panel. |
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